Thursday, June 29, 2023


After the school year we camped at our favorite island state park:

At the end of this trip we found out that our offer was accepted on the house we wanted to purchase!

Another dishwasher.

Currant killers. Boo.

We got to have our annual Bemidji pilgrimage land on the days our house went up for sale. It was nice to be gone for the showings and inspection! And it was a beautiful few days there with new flowers, ladies slippers in bloom everywhere, little girls falling asleep under desks, and silly big boys fending off insects (of which there were few) with scary costumes. Not pictured are the boys adventurous week at day camp (and staying without the other 3 of us at Farmor and Farfars!), the children's play house in the pines, the tadpoles from the beach, new (to Mama) running/biking paths and Theo's day off, after he declared he had too much work to do to attend the last day of day camp. Farmor and Farfar listened and let him work from home. 

Watch out for this one!

1 page from the St. John's Bible, which we finally saw.