Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Theo's Monthly Birthday Photos

1 month
Already watching everything Lukas does!

2 months
Smiling a lot! (Also screaming and crying a lot...)

3 months
Lots of giggles - especially when Lukas lays on top of him!

4 months
Holding and playing with toys, loves facing outside in his stand up play gym thingy

5 months
We gave into his begging for solid foods, he is delighted.

6 months
Our early sitter! Very pleased with his new view on the world.

7 months
Some pterodactyl screeches are being replaced by babbles. Oranges are the favorite food. Starting to stand at the train table, trying to swipe the battery train.

8 months
Starting to scoot!! I usually carry him like a basketball under one arm; he starts on the hip but wiggles down to flying position in seconds. Now ingesting more food, meat and cheese are the favorites.

9 months
Still dragging his belly but moving from room to room. Pulling himself up to a stand, but not too quickly or often. Likes to pretend to grab things from Lukas to get a rise out of him, but they mostly really like each other and laugh together. Books are a new wonderful thing, and Theo has started turning the pages. In other what-he-can-do-with-his-hands news: clapping! (but only when he thinks you're not looking).

10 Months
Theo's favorite toys are sound puzzles! Lift the knob of the wooden cat, replace it and it meows - who wouldn't love that? He has gotten off his belly and is scooting like Lukas used to, faster all the time. He rushes to the open fridge, dishwasher, doors to stairs and toilet for investigations. He mostly wants applesauce and bananas, veggies are on the out-and-out.

11 Months
Theo still loves his sound puzzles, but also really tries to put (duplo) legos together. So much work to try to catch up to Lukas! He loves crawling up the stairs and sliding like a penguin down them. He loves to stand at the coffee table and pull out blocks from the drawer. He tries to stack them, disperse them, and (sometimes) put them back. He tries to play roll/catch with a ball and pushes cars on their wheels. He is broadening his horizons with food again, liking most anything, especially if we help him shovel it in as he is VERY hungry. We also seem to be coming out of a sleep slump, so perhaps he's had a growth spurt? Here he's featuring Lukas' punjabi from Hanna's wedding :)

12 months
As we enjoy more time outside, Theo is trying to decide whether dirt tastes good. He is also climbing on everything he can, up the stairs and trying to figure out down-the-stairs. He plunges head-first off the couch onto a pillow while giggling, and does the same off the bed without a pillow and without a giggle, but also without complaint. He's a man on a mission. Another new thing this month: anything that looks or acts like a ball is the favorite. Roll it, chase it, push it around with his head while he does his 3.0 (normal) crawl. He finally got his first tooth a week before his birthday and this morning I saw a second had poked through, hence sucking on his finger in this party shot!

2 years

3 years

4 years

5 years

6 years

7 years
with "Dot"