Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The fall

By now most have heard about my fall. The panel broke under me and I ended up unconscious on the floor with a fractured wrist, cracked rib, and lots of other bruises and scrapes. It was over 4 m down, so it certainly could have been a lot worse. I'm thanking God I came through as well as I did.

I'm told I was only unconscious for less than 5 min, but I don't remember anything for about 6 hours of last Monday. One of the mysteries the memory loss left me with is how I decided to go up on the roof in the first place. I had been looking at it for the last week, but never was planning to go up myself. The last I remember is being anxious to get to lunch, waiting around for a colleague to finish mixing some roof repair cement for the carpenters.

About 1 mile from our project site is the Bogra medical university hospital, with a nice new CT scanner. So they had my brain scanned within about half an hour. Evidently things looked ok there. I'm still having some headaches, but I guess that is normal.


  1. hahahaha! I didn't know people could post pictures of their brains on blogs...

  2. oh wow, scary. glad u ok enough to blog about it!

  3. I'm so glad that you're ok, Daniel! Are you still getting headaches?
