Monday, April 15, 2024

Frida's Monthly Birthday Photos

1 Month
Sleeping, eating, and watching those fascinating brothers.

2 Months
Lots of smiling and crying!

3 Months
Her big trick this month is that she learned how to sleep without the swaddle! I kept the boys swaddled longer, but it was just TOO HOT to do that to her. So the bunny occupies those busy hands as she drifts off...  When she wakes up she's up on her elbows looking around with those big eyes. Another trick I've just seen two times: laughing!!

4 Months
Rolling, rolling, rolling! both ways, before 4 months. Our lightest baby is also our earliest mover :) Also more laughing (especially at Lukas). Starting to hold on to things.

5 Months
Sitting up in her exersaucer thingy, talking more all the time, awake longer, sleeping longer, getting closer to a schedule... playing with toys and seeming to interact with them.

6 Months
Frida is starting to sit up all by herself! But no photo of that yet... she is also delighted to be eating more than just milk. She has started yogurt and that seems to be fine after the 2 month scare of blood in the pooh and subsequent mandate of no dairy for Mama. She laughs at and studies her brothers harder than ever. Her happy screams have officially placed our family's collective noise into the "circus" category. Poor thing has a cold on her 1/2 birthday.

7 Months
Right around the time she turned 7 months Frida went from topsy turvy to sitting up by herself on a hard floor for long stretches. She loves food more than ever. She is feeding herself more than we are from pureed bottles. She pretended she was weaning herself from the milk for about a week but then realized she didn't like that idea. Lukas is still the most likely to make her laugh, but Theo is a close second. She is starting to rock on her hands and knees (but this is more frequent at the 7.5 month rather than 7 month). Perhaps we should move her out of the bassinet soon, but she still so enjoys the rocking motion of its cradle feature. From birth, like her brothers, outside is her favorite place to be.

8 Months
Lots of laughing at her brothers, playing contentedly, and lots of eating. She likes almost everything we like, plus the delicious baby sauce jars. She like dahl baht, rice and beans, perfectly cooked broccoli and beans (but not if not perfect - just like the boys!), peas - frozen or microwaved, EVERY fruit, especially berries and bananas only when they're the perfect amount of ripeness, MEAT. She LOVES meat - red meat, white meat, smoked, fishy, fried, um hm. We love you Frida!!

9 Months
Frida has been busy. At 8.5 months she got 4 teeth and started to crawl. It's been sleep torture at night!!! But we are excited for you to be doing all these wonderful things, Frida! Yesterday at her 9 month doctor check-up Frida clapped for the doctor when she said "yay" about her growth. She has gone from the 40% in weight to the 60%!! She has been waving her hands, especially when we sing, but that was the first clap. Also, now that she is crawling and well on her way to a mouth full of teeth, she is laughing again. She smiled all month as usual, but had taken a break from the belly laugh. 

10 Months
Lots of speedy crawling! 8 teeth! Mama finally allowed her to wean herself (the 8 teeth may have been involved...). Busy busy busy. Frida started getting in on the evening wrestling matches with Papa and the boys. She can hold her own but also needs baby protection. Starting to get bored of the same books all the time but still likes them once a day. Peek-a-Who is a favorite - Frida likes to watch Mama's mouth make all the _oo noises, especially "moo" on the cow page. Her deep m-less grunt sounds much more like a real cow than my moo.

11 Months
Frida loves to sit on a low stool - a chair all by herself! She is constantly pulling herself up to a stand, then getting stuck - she hasn't figured out how to sit herself down yet :) She likes to explore anywhere new, and the forbidden bathroom is a favorite but always ends in tears as she inevitably gets herself stuck in the door. She has started making jokes - if she does something that makes us laugh she does it again and again and then flashes her silly toothy grin. She loves to climb on the couch cushions. The outside thaw means our yard is mud and ice and this has been good exercise for everyone! Frida has found her lungs - she shouts "Go!" when she's following behind her brothers on their bikes while riding in her stroller, when the car stops at a red light, and when we sing at bedtime. She still (since birth!) loves singing at bedtime.

on her own chair

12 Months
(I'm writing this at 14 months, so will do my best)
Frida loves to play with her brothers, and if they seem irritable, she likes to irritate them. But MANY days, except for before meals when we fall apart, all three want to play together and laugh together. When Theo and Frida get to belly laughing together, everyone has to join in it's such a merry event. Frida learned to go up the stairs around 11 months, and has now been a down the stairs expert. I didn't teacher her, some how she figured it out. What a genius. Around 13 months Frida was walking while holding onto our fingers or pushing her car (sometimes with a brother sitting in it). By 14 months she decided she didn't need her crutches for short stretches. As of today (June 29) she's walking everywhere! Goodbye crawling and goodbye helps! This last month she also starting riding her bike from Grandpa and Grandma on her birthday. She is the earliest of our three to do that. In the last three months Frida has also been much quicker to warm up to new people. Last weekend Farmor and Farfar were here and she was reaching away from me holding her to Farmor by the second day!

2 Years

3 Years

4 Years

5 Years

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