Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Lent and Easter

We decided to read and flannel board (v) the book of Mark this year. What fun! Lukas loved every minute, Theo enjoyed much of it, and Frida was delighted to go around trying out all the stools. And she loves singing time at night so was happy to clap her hands and participate in that.

This was my favorite Palm Sunday ever. The church doors were all locked, so we marched around Phillips with our branches shouting "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!". Crazy people in the 'hood, of another variety. 

Easter was also very enjoyable. We hunted for the Swedish Fish packs from Grandma, as well as our finely decorated boiled eggs, which later became fine supper cuisine. Look at those cuties, fashioning their gold threads. I thought if they were all munching on apples we'd get a perfect smily shot. It turns out it is still impossible to get a photo of all three together. I guess that's why people hire professionals.

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