Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Aren't they cute?

About Changing Undesirable Behaviors
We have found that Lukas is very responsive to sticker charts. When we develop bad habits, we choose 1 or 2 specific bad habits, offer a specific alternative, and then get a sticker when the alternative is chosen. When the chart is full, Lukas chooses his reward.

Our current sticker chart is about rice. We recently decided we don't like rice any more. This doesn't work for our family, as it is what we have at least 5 nights/week. So when Lukas says "thank you for the rice" and eats it without complaining, he gets a sticker. When this chart is full, he gets to choose the supper :)  

This photo was an ice cream reward. He was so excited that this was the stillest picture I could get.

And this one gets to celebrate too:

We still like costumes.

King of the hill. I discovered that on the days where I just can't get the two blocks to the park, the parking lot snow plow hills across the street are a nice alternative.

Who needs the sidewalks to be stroller-able when we can cruise around in this?

Theo has been so fun. We really like him. He's usually happy, learning and growing constantly, and a pretty cool friend to Lukas. He loves when Papa does "this little piggy" and he loves his belly button. I wanted so badly for Lukas to like his belly button when he turned the magical bb age of 18 months, but I just couldn't get him to be obsessed. Daniel thinks it was because we were in Bangladesh and belly buttons aren't special there (not covered due to weather and saris). I didn't even have to force Theo to get excited at 18 months. It helped that I have a massive one that's been sticking 1 inch out from my body since baby sister was just 14 weeks along. 

1 comment:

  1. Great boys! Love the pics and love Theo's cheerful nature and laugh.
