Tuesday, March 26, 2019


About the Brothers
After daylight savings Theo slept in til 8:30 a couple mornings. Lukas was very glad when his friend finally woke up.

They both love to read, but reading together is usually a challenge. Who gets to sit on Mama's lap (if she's there)? Who gets to turn the pages? How many words should there be in a book? Here's a moment of side-by-side reading peace.

Here's some book fighting.

Sometimes space ain't a bad thing.

A morning favorite - "sleep over". Pull out all the blankets and dogs and bunnies and important sleep objects and snuggle next to each other and then wrestle and then cry and then snuggle. 

Theo's Very Smart Brain
Theo is taking off with his words. He has said "woof woof" for about a year now, and that is accompanied by a great love for real and pretend dogs. "All done get down" is very useful when eating time is over. "All done" is also very useful for "amen" or for when we want something like singing a long song to be over. He says "Papa", "Mama" (though it sounds a lot like "more, more!"" and "Babu" (Lukas). He says "big boy" and "peas", though peas are usually just "um" with a chomp and a smile. He says many useful animals sounds like "mmm" (moo), "meow", "bok bok bok", "neigh", and makes a chomping sound for crocodiles and alligators. I think he said "grandma" last week, and he says "Isaiah" almost perfectly, though when pressed he'll point at any of the cousin pictures on the fridge and repeat it. 

Of course what he says is 1% of what he knows and understands. He has long been able to follow 3-part directions and carry them out to a T. He can point to many requested objects in his books, such as animals or types of trucks. He is very good at communicating what he wants; one long-time skill has been getting himself into his food chair (saying he wants food).

Auntie Mercy got this horsy for the boys. Theo's a big fan.

Theo had been scared of the breastplate until one morning last week. As you can see in his eyes, something was wrong last week. We're still not sure what it was but he's getting back to normal we think. 

Baby Sister
She's coming! Hopefully sooner than later.

Won't she be cute in these? (Grandma made them.)

Happy 39th birthday, Daniel!

One last pre-baby date :) A very cold picnic by Lake of the Isles.


  1. Love all the pics! Mama is a good writer...

  2. Auntie Ann enjoyed too! Can't wait to meet the baby sister! Love and prayers...
