Thursday, October 17, 2019


"O" is for October and for Outside.

GOBBLING UP his beans

His pet "beetle bug"

The family outfit - which cousin wore it first? 

Grandma knit the sweater and hat for Lukas
before he was born and his gender was unknown.
All three have worn the sweater,
only Frida has sported the hat. 

His head is *literally in the sand.

An October picnic in the backyard!!!

Frida loves her bunny as much as Lukas did his. She got a second one from Grandma so I can wash one and still let her sleep with the other. Mostly she sleeps with both! Here are all three, in order of amount of love received. You'll notice Lukas' bunny's patch, from the tragedy, on the left.

Fall Leaves!! What could be better?! (Can you tell the boys apart?)

Mama is always itching to get rid of that baby fat. The body prefers to keep it. Lukas LOVES to do the ab video when I allow. This is good for moral support. Not as good for productivity.

the plank

Don't you just want to eat him?!

And her?!

Broccoli was a favorite. Not so much this week. See it in her neck in the 2nd photo?

We love to trick or treat with these fun cousins!!!

I'm a flamingo, in case you're wondering

* literally is the most over-used Millenial word so I try to avoid use, 
but it is literally the only word for this picture.

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