Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Dutch Elm Tree. Goodbye backyard shade. Hello Neighborhood party.

We asked the city to tell us whether our tree was sick, and we asked whether they would like to pay to have it taken down, for the greater good of the neighborhood. They came, they declared it sick, they gave us a deadline and some estimates for us to pay, between $1000-$2000. As we are currently poor (though still top 2% in the world...) Daniel opted to rent a cherry picker for $200 and do it himself. The children and I walked to Aldi to pick up a $35 electric chainsaw. Trent loaned us his gas one, and the guy who lives in the house behind us (!) also loaned his. Daniel of course also had his hand saw. All were used, and the tree came down. The final stages were thanks to Heriberto, the handy and friendly neighbor who used to have a job taking trees down. He very carefully sawed the last chunks while Daniel and a neighbor whose name is "Heriberto's friend" pulled the rope for the tree to fall in the desired location.

We are VERY THANKFUL to report Daniel is not broken and we don't owe any neighbors money. The Lord provides, even for PhD poverty. Not just for missionaries. And some neighbors who have never wanted to talk to us wanted to talk to us.

See the chainsaw?

I couldn't fix the lighting.
Can you see him up there?

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