Saturday, March 14, 2020

February 2020

Mama loves overalls!!

A Hoilien Hope basketball game!!

Post-supper wrestling. Frida is not pictured here,
but can hold her own in this daily sport.

rub a dub dub 3 men in a tub

Auntie Phyllis
February is not our (my) shiniest month, and Auntie Phyllis made it a little brighter by offering two!! dates. The first one included a backpack full of new exciting animals to play with, on loan until a later date. The boys have played with them every day since their arrival 5-6 weeks ago. On the second date, she brought a BIG BATCH of homemade playdough. They have played with that almost every day, only hindered by Mama's cumbersome need to clean things up.

A monster from Auntie Phyllis

The big batch of playdough

No Longer Bound by His Cage (as Lukas calls his crib)
Theo has been able to get out of his crib for a while, but mostly likes to go to sleep so he doesn't. But on this day when I went in to wake him up from his nap there was evidence all around the room that someone had been having a very quiet party when Mama thought he was sleeping. That someone eventually fell asleep back in the crib, sitting up, hugging Big Dog. We love you Theo.

Valentine's Day!
We have fallen upon a Valentine's Day tradition: we make cards and treats and visit Papa at work. This was only our second time visiting Papa at the lab since his workplace changed from Dunwoody to U of MN. Last time we climbed the trees in warm clothes, this time we climbed trees and snow mountains in all our snow gear!

Signed from "Babu"

See the heart-shaped mess in the background?

Svenska Skolan
Lukas attended Svenska Skolan at the Swedish Institute six Saturday mornings in January and February. The winter session topical unit was upfinaren (inventors). The last day held a mock Nobel Prize ceremony, with the children marching down the grand staircase in the old mansion, this dance below, as well as an open house where the children stood with their inventions. Lukas' whole class did robots made of recyclables. He was excited to dress up in his Bengali punjabi.