Saturday, April 4, 2020

March 2020

March was notable for one very big thing - the beginning of the coronavirus lockdown in our state. It's mostly life as usual, but it means we don't get to go to BSF or music class and that makes us miss our friends. But we get to have Daniel working from home! And that means we get to walk with him in the morning and we can sneak peaks at him throughout the day. This is his second office, an upgrade from his first, the laundry room. 

Due to the hoarding frenzy that happened I couldn't get soymilk for Frida's bottles when I was almost out and was sad after trying three stores. I had plans to try three more in the morning, texted the small group asking for prayer that one would be successful and received multiple offers of help. Trent showed up on our doorstep 2 hours later with a gallon of just the right stuff. It didn't even enter my mind to ask for practical help. Maybe this is a good result of the virus - we can help each other. 

March was also notable because Theo decided he was ready to potty train since we're just staying at home all the time anyway. Mama is thankful for this... medium (as Kari B. would say). I'm already more anxious than usual because it's spring in Phillips, and some significant things have changed, the Economist keeps me more informed than may be good, and since we're home all the time there are messes all of the time. That's not my best friend. So adding occasional poop and pee hazards is also not my best friend. But I am trying to adapt. 

Frida is still cute and mostly sweet, though she has discovered it stresses me out when she hits me and when she remembers this she does it continually. But she also gives very nice hugs and kisses and laughs and likes me better than anyone else in the whole world and I am enjoying that while it lasts. 

Lukas is loving writing books. He does all the illustrations and then dictates the script to me. He also still loves to draw and cut out birds and present his Bird Show. Of course coming from Daniel and me it is no surprise he is a genius. If I measured correctly the other night, he grew 3 inches in the last three months. This explains all the food that went into him. He is currently in a stage of wanting very much to please us, and this is nice. Another thing we're happy to enjoy while it lasts.

An Easter Book

Theo is almost 3. Sometimes we laugh til we cry, sometimes we just cry, sometimes we squeeze our hands together real hard so we don't squeeze him. We often say, "it's a good thing he's so cute!!" A favorite right now is his inability to say his "s". So "Superman saves the day!" is "Huperman haves the day!" and "Can I have a snack?" is, "Can I have a hack?"

Just keeping happy at home!

Jumping on the cushions is a favorite

Working in the school room

The Bird Show

And a trip to the playground is welcomed by all:

In other Theo news, he has officially graduated himself from the crib. Lukas invited him to join him in bed one night and Theo has never gone back, even when Lukas wanted him to. Now he just waits until Lukas falls asleep and hops right in. Soon Daniel will be done making the bunkbed - he's sanding the boards as I type now - and they will sort of be in the same bed while not actually. Theo has a mattress on the floor and we occasionally find that he has fallen asleep there. 

1 comment:

  1. Great entries! Maybe my fav pic of Lukas, showing his Easter book.
