Tuesday, August 30, 2022


Lukas caught his first fish! We went to the bait store and got properly hooked up. He has now mastered sunny-catching. What shall we attempt next?!

These favorite friends were along for the excitement.

Gutting and cooking with Papa

This friend, Toady, was a good friend for a few days. Then we released him.

Matching girl and doll dresses someone made for me.
Was that you Grandma?

The middle garden box is Lukas and Theo's.
Their cucumbers are thriving and delicious.

See the soccer shin guards with her tutu?
Wish you could see her fly on her bike with that tutu in the air.

We had a very successful visit to the most kid-friendly dentist ever (Kari's recommendation). Here's Frida with her line-up of prizes, which she earned by bravely climbing up in that chair and doing all the cleaning/flouride/dentist things! And below, the boys trying out their parachuting guys.

Animal weddings happen on occasion in our home. We wear matching nice clothes (try to ignore those soccer socks) and get wedding dancers and have tea. Snowy (the husky puppy) and Goldy (the Canadian pilot dog) were married this August.

The wedding kiss

The wedding dancer

The happy group. Minus Bunny and George, who were married
a few years ago and were very much a part of this ceremony.

His own library card!!

monarchs are missing this summer. We're so sad! But Isaiah, Elias and Micah have a very happy, bustling butterfly garden just down the road from them! These photos of course don't capture it.

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