Friday, September 30, 2022


 1st day of 2nd Grade, Kindergarten, and Preschool!!

There was a competition as to who could pull the biggest beet from Farfar's garden:

and from our own happy garden, look at this bad boy:

and my attempt to keep the beauty around a little longer. They are mostly happy, but no longer flowering.

Autumn for some means apple orchards, or 5K races in apple orchards, or family photos on a pile of hay, but in our family it is an important time for FORAGING. None of this paying for your apples stuff. We need boxes and boxes for our press!! These U chestnut crabs give us a very nice harvest every other year. As do the pear trees 3 houses down. This years press was 2/3 pear and 1/3 U apples. Can you see Daniel in the first photo?

Playdough is still pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. Especially like the 3 in the school room and Frida wearing her backpack, even sitting at her desk.
